Part “Apulien – Rotweine”
Gioia del Colle D.O.C. Primitivo Fatalone 2003
Score * * *
Part “Apulien – Rotweine”
Gioia del Colle D.O.C. Primitivo Fatalone 2003
Score * * *
The Asian Guide summarizes an overall view of the Italian Local Grapes and mentiones the Gioia del Colle D.O.C. Primitivo Riserva 2000 Fatalone in the top 3 interpretations of wines from Primitivo grapes in existence.
Review of the Fatalone Winery in the well-known Guide for the Wine-Tourist
The important Russian specialized review proposes a special report about the Apulian wines with particular attention to the Primitivo, and singles the Az. Agr. Petrera out in the most selected producers.
The well-known guide, focused on the best productions by little italian wineries, contains a praiseworthy review of the Gioia del Colle D.o.C. Primitivo Riserva 2001 Fatalone.
The Az. Agr. Petrera mentioned in the Giuseppe Baldassarre’s book as historic winery producer of Primitivo.
Gioia del Colle D.O.C. Primitivo Fatalone 2003
Score ***