The Az. Agr. Petrera Pasquale and his Fatalone Wines are selected and reviewed by the new renowned wine guide by Slow Food.
VINIBUONI d’Italia 2012
World Wine Meetings Asia 2011, Guangzhou, November 20th – 22nd
Asia World Wine Meetings, Guangzhou, China – 2011 November 20th-22nd. The Fatalone organic wines will be presented at the 1st edition of the international convention for wine importers from Asia, that will take place at the China Hotel***** Guangzhou.
Vini di Territorio, 2011 Pescara by Les Caves de Pyrene
The Fatalone organic wines will be presented at the wine tasting Vini di Territorio, dedicated just to natural and organic wines, that will take place at the Restaurant Poggio del Sole, Pianella (PE) on November 14th.
Vini dell’Eccellenza – Vini d’Italia 2012 L’Espresso
Oscar’s Magazine Weinwelt 10.11 Fatalone
Vini d’Italia 2012 – L’Espresso
Fatalone Riserva 2005 Wine of Excellence 2012 by L’Espresso
With the highest score of 5 bottles the Fatalone Riserva 2005 stands out in the prestigious selection of the Wines of the Excellence 2012 by L’Espresso.
Drink Italia! – Survey of the “Italia! Magazine”
Cronaca Vera
Tha famous weekly dedicates its two main pages to the Az. Agr. Petrera Pasquale, its Fatalone Organic Wines, its philosophy to produce natural wines just from locally grown grapes and above all the application of the music-therapy for their ageing.