Gioia del Colle D.O.C. Primitivo Riserva Fatalone 2005
Corona – ViniBuoni d’Italia 2012
The Riserva Fatalone 2005 has been awarded with the “Crown” of ViniBuoni d’Italia, the highest recognition natural wines made with locally grown grape – Article and video-interview by Jancis Robinson
Petrera Pasquale talks about the application of the music-therapy for the ageing of his Fatalone Wines while interviewed by Jancis Robinson, Master of Wine and considered the most important wine journalist in the world. Click on the link to visualize:
Do Bianchi by Jeremy Parzen
Jeremy Parzen, internationally known wine journalist, confesses to love the Primitivo Fatalone. Click on the link to view:
Corriere del Mezzogiorno
Filippo Petrera, his Fatalone Wines and his application of the music therapy for their ageing featured in an article and a video interview on the on-line journal Corriere del Mezzogiorno. Click on the following link to visualize:
Winebar Show La musica come filo conduttore della vita
Petrera Filippo and his Fatalone Wines featured in the cultural reality show
WWM America 2011
America World Wine Meetings, Chicago April 29th-1th May 2011 The Fatalone organic wines will be presented at the 4th edition of the international convention for wine importers from North and South America, that will take place at the Embassy Suite Hotel Down Town Chicago.
Italian Wine Week 2011 – New York
Fatalone Organic Wines certified NOP on tasting for Italian Wine Week, organized by the Italian Trade Commission, at the Hotel Waldorf Astoria – New York City on Wednesday, January 26th.
Incoming Russia
The Az. Agr. Petrera Pasquale will present the Fatalone wines in an event of incoming for Russian wine importers, that will take place in Matera from 8th to 10 July 2010.
Expo Shanghai 2010
The Az. Agr. Petrera Pasquale will attend the Expo Shanghai 2010, presenting its Fatalone organic wines in a workshop with guided tasting for Asian importers. The workshop will be dedicated to Apulian wines produced with autochthonous grapes.