Fatalone Wines will be on tasting at Palazzo Italia in Berlin on November 11th during the exhibition Puglia Stupor Mundi dedicated to the Apulian excellences.
Prizegiving of the Mentions ad Honorem – Vini Buoni d’Italia 2009
The “FATALONE GIOIA DEL COLLE DOC PRIMITIVO RISERVA 2004” gets the Mention ad Honorem of the Guide Vini Buoni d’Italia 2009, “for distinguishing itself by the qualitative rigour of its interpretation and the high-level expression of its clear correspondence to grape and land of origin”
Il Golosario di Paolo Massobrio
The Az. Agr. Petrera with its Gioia del Colle D.O.C. Primitivo Riserva Fatalone mentioned on the well-known guide to the Italian wine-and-food excellences.
Vini Buoni d’Italia 2009
Gioia del Colle D.O.C. Primitivo Riserva Fatalone 2004
Menzione ad Honorem
Vino Grappa Olio
Part “Apulien – Rotweine”
Gioia del Colle D.O.C. Primitivo Fatalone 2003
Score * * *
I Cento Vitigni Autoctoni Italiani
The Asian Guide summarizes an overall view of the Italian Local Grapes and mentiones the Gioia del Colle D.O.C. Primitivo Riserva 2000 Fatalone in the top 3 interpretations of wines from Primitivo grapes in existence.
Cantine D’Italia – GoWine Editore
Review of the Fatalone Winery in the well-known Guide for the Wine-Tourist
Merano IWF Selection 2007
The important Russian specialized review proposes a special report about the Apulian wines with particular attention to the Primitivo, and singles the Az. Agr. Petrera out in the most selected producers.